Wednesday 26 June 2024

The Failed Vice Presidents of Africa with the same rhetorics.

Ruto as Vice President, said he's not in charge of the wheels to either abolish or reduce taxes for Kenyans so promised to do so when elected president subsequently.

Consequently, Uhuru Kenyatta imposed him on Kenyans amid electoral challenges and public disenchantment from the electorates.
Ever since Ruto became president, already existing taxes have been doubled, others tripled and many more obnoxious taxes have been introduced.

It took the radical approach of the over one (1) million young people of Kenya to protest daily which has unfortunately claimed lives and destroyed many state properties including the Kenya Parliament to get him to rescind his decision to pass the Killer Finance Bill 2024.

The French nations have experienced similar corrupt, wastage and overburdening the taxpayer with more unreasonable taxes through extreme circumstances such kidnapping, assassinations and coup d'etat.

The wind of oppressive resistance seems to have been blowing across the English speaking African countries.

In Ghana, we have a vice president who is the head of the Economic Management Team, who was once portrayed as the economic messiah to turn the fortunes of our country and determines the progress and development of our dear nation through his economic prowess.

Seven (7) and half years down the line, this same person has come back telling us he is only the vice president and has no executive powers to sanction certain policies and initiatives. How convenient?

Today, the vice president of Ghana just like his brother Ruto of Kenya whom he attended his inauguration as the President of Kenya, is telling Ghanaians to vote for him to become the President of Ghana before he can reduce evilly taxes and abolish some.

Dear young Ghanaian, just take a look at what's happening in Kenya under the watch of a former vice president who made same funny claims as ours and advice yourself accordingly.

We should not wait to get to the point where precious lives have to be sacrificed through public protests just to register our displeasure in the rots and ills of a president who had already failed woefully as a vice president.

A word to the wise, is certainly enough.

Friday 28 October 2022

Louisa Kwakye writes on the Ghana We Want To Build

Building The Ghana We Want.

In an event hosted by Former President John Mahama in Accra yesterday, he outlined the numerous measures that can be put in place as a matter of urgency to save Ghana's economy.

Notable amongst these solutions are;
Suspension of non- essential projects.
A greater transparency in public procurement.
Re- visit operation feed yourself.
Leveraging the energy and petroleum sector.
Government must stop collateralizing statutory funds for the purposes of taking in more loans.

Together we stand, divided we fall. With this school of thought at the center of his presentation, the visionary leader called on the entire citizenry to help save mother Ghana's collapsed economy.

 "while responsibility for the difficulties we face lie with Akuffo Addo and Bawumia's government, there are things we can do as citizens in our own small way to minimize the suffering we are going through and help government turn the situation around" he said.

According to him, as citizens;
we need to acquire and sustain a taste and preference for locally manufactured products. 
Cut down on non- essential foreign travel and expensive foreign products in our homes.

" let us consciously eat more of our local foods like yam,local grains like maize and rice, cassava, beans local fruits and vegetables" he added. He gave the "Gobɛ Eaters Association" a thumbs up for "eating" Ghana. This way we reduce the pressure on our own currency and boost domestic production to create a win-win  situation.

The people's manifesto of NDC in 2020 has these policy proposals and more and the NPP government is free to adopt it for the general good of Ghana.

We are in crisis! In building the Ghana we want,we must all put our heads together.Our very lives as a people are at stake.

"We must boldly,even if for the first time,discard the arrogance of power and don the cloak of humility,come together,confront our reality,face the truth,accept our fault and act" he said.

God bless our homeland Ghana and make her great and strong!

#louisacares #RescueMission #2gether2rescue #BuildingGhanaTogether

NB: I have no copyright to the content of this article, it's solely the intellectual property authored by the name aforementioned, Louisa Kwakye. 

Thursday 30 June 2022

Ghana Police - Arise Ghana Demonstrators drama, a grounds rehearsal for election 2024?

By now, every serious political party aiming at winning 2024 general elections should be having sleepless nights crossing their T's and dotting their I's whiles doing some serious thinking about their fortunes at the next polls.

The drama at the recent Arise Ghana demonstration is undoubtedly a snapshot of what 2024 election is going to be like, take it or leave it.

You can decide to comfortably blame protestors for attempting to breech routes dictated to them for all you want, do not however deliberately forget that several reports indicated that efforts were been made by both known and unknown hands within government to stop the demonstration entirely. So when they failed even after attempting to use the court, a resort to the usual police brutality became the order of the day.

The police kept saying they've been given strident orders from "above" to prevent demonstrators from using a particular route to present their petition to the president. Who is that person at the ABOVE? Is it God or Allah? Jesus or Mohammed? Your guess might not be far from right.

In 2020, opposition political parties went to war with toothpicks, cup of tea without biscuits, comfortable slogans of flipping and flopping whilst their opponent went to the battlefield with guns, ammunition, military and police personnel armed to teeth etc.

Someone who was seeking reelection didn't shy to be horrendously violent and claimed seven innocent lives to retain his seat and no one got punished for all those murderous acts.

This same person has openly declared that under no circumstance will he hand over power to any opposition party and the same leaders of opposition parties are walking around, behaving and acting like "Mama Ba" and "Dada Ba" hoping to win 2024 election with such approaches because this government has failed woefully with distinction...... This is a joke of all ages!

This person we are talking about is synonymous to violence, he is exceptionally tyrannical, a benevolent dictator and has no respect for human rights and dignity so how do you treat such a person like you're dealing with either a Catholic priest or a Pentecost elder?

If any political party want to win 2024 election, they must really sit up, stand up to match up. As it stands now, there's no party that seem ready to match the brutal style of Ghana's Idi Amin because 2024 election will not be a joke taking a clue from the happening at the just ended Arise Ghana 48 hour  demonstration.

Da yie!

The writer of this piece is Tetteh Djem Bismark, a writer, youth activist, political communication strategist and brands management enthusiast. 
His personal views are solely his and does not in anyways represent that of a group or organization.

Thursday 24 February 2022


As a student of International Politics & History, I have at least gathered lead ups to the current Ukraine-Russia impasse.

I honestly do not bother about who is right or wrong. The most important thing for me is that, regardless the full ranges of egoism, pompousness and power drunk positions at play there must be a compromise for peace and tranquility to prevail to enable precious lives and properties saved.

Intriguingly, it is the external forces who in the name of 5G,7G NATO whatever fueling this fracas who will enjoy the spoils at the expense of innocent Ukrainian citizens and foreigners.

I pray that, the God that delivered the Israelites from the hands of the Philistines shall deliver the Ukrainians from any externalities.

The world need peace!

Wednesday 23 February 2022


America's Got Talent remains one of my favorite shows. As a lover of music, last year it was such an exhilarating yet surreal moment & feeling watching Jane "Nightbirde" Marczewski sing passionately regardless of her then current predicaments. Simon Cowell's golden buzzer was enough attestation that Nightbirde was an angel.

She sent a very positive message to the world in her famous quote "you can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy".

Life will never be easy so everyone is reminded to make the best they can out of it by neither denying the challenges of today nor the hope for tomorrow.

I'm more than convinced that Nightbirde isn't dead, her beautiful soul hovers in the skies smiling and cheering up everyone who is facing any kind of life treating condition, fighting secret battles and anyone thinking of giving up the ghost.

For some strange reasons I've not been able to gather enough strength to write anything since her painful demise from this wicked world.

I do not only want to wish her farewell, but I want to equally celebrate her for being truthful, real, passionate and leaving a letter of hope and encouragement to the world.

May she transit to the next world in peace & tranquility until our final journey to our destination. 👏🙌🙏

@Jane NIGHTBIRDE Marchewski, my Woman Crush Wednesday ❤️

© Min. Tetteh Djem Bismark

Tuesday 11 May 2021


This evening, I'd wanted to write on the idiosyncrasies of the supposed National Security Operatives and the heightened level of media and journalists attack over the past few years. However, something striked my cords and quickly motioned my thoughts to what I described as a LOST PRIORITY. I'd want to tackle it first.

The government through the divine promise of  H.E #4MoreToFixYourself is building a National Cathedral for the church whereas the church is also building PRISONS for the gov't. I mean the church is building an incarceration center for people who are either culprits or victims of varying degrees of offenses.

Meanwhile the "poorest of poor" individuals are found in the church. Each now and then, they're made to believe that God blesses a cheerful giver and Heavens will open for them for a strong wind of change will whisk them into the land of bountiful hence, they give out their widows might. They pay offerings, pay tithes, sow seeds and help in raising funds for the church.

There are always a nirvana of church members who can not afford even a two square meal per day for their families but they always manage to get money for the church because of their strong-willed belief in that exercise of giving.

There are many church members whose children have excelled in either BECE or WASSCE exams but are sitting home because their parents do not have the financial muscles to further their education. These same churches have schools yet these poor folks cannot afford it. Yet, again, when all these resources of the poor are gathered in the church, they use the monies for a lot of things that do not directly inure the interests of the poor in the church. They rather invest in very wasteful ventures and a lot of lost priorities.

 The gov't needs schools, hospitals, clinics, good roads, portable drinking water etc for the citizens who are saddled with unbearable taxes. Government is even worst when coming to setting priorities for citizens.... When citizens get aggravated by the injustices, high cost of living, lack of necessary infrastructure, get disenchanted with the government and try to register such displeasures through #FixTheCountryNow, gov't will nauseatingly ask the citizens to fix themselves. 

The church building a prison for the government is, in my view, a very wasteful venture and a lost priority.. Christianity is not about such stuff it's about helping the people to smile, love, care, learn and to get closer to God.

The writer of this piece is Tetteh Djem Bismark, he's a Christian, a writer, communication/PR specialist. His views do not represent any group or organisation.


Wednesday 17 March 2021

Just Imagine, Ghana on the path of self destruction.

 Wherever you may find yourself now, let's just have a quick reflection of something.

Just imagine the current crises happening under another regime.

Just imagine the occultic erratic power supply (Dumsor), excessively high new tax rates, several fuel increments, injustices at the law courts, suppression of freedom of the media, institutionalised corruption and a host of many other issues.

Just imagine a country whose current state is so uninspiring to the extent that we spend 49.50% of state revenue on payments of interest on loans which is far higher than the 41.84% of revenue paid as either compensation or salary to employees. 

Just imagine what would have been the spinning techniques of the media who have been direct victims of such sociopolitical incongruities, the sermons of some renowned "Men of God" (clergy), the prayer topics of Agloo International, the propaganda of other political parties and even the incessant attacks from the ordinary Ghanaian.

Just imagine the reactions of some so called Celebrities, the musical punchlines from some arrogant and pompous artists (even from those who have outlived their essence in the industry) . Just imagine the unprovoked insults, organised demonstrations led by some so called "good governance" advocates using rented crowds, the "seductive" political commentaries from some self-made Think Tanks and self-styled governant experts or political analysts .

Just imagine the current socioeconomic, cultural and political mishaps. Just imagine how the aforementioned groups or entries especially the media have abetted in propagating the Spiral of Silence of this current regime.

Just imagine how pathetic it is that even the media cannot speak of the ills of this regime.

Just imagine how for obvious reasons, the likes of Manasseh Azure Awuni and many great and hitherto vociferous journalists have now either become Global Peace Ambassadors or Motivational Speakers.

Just imagine why everyone is silent. Is it for the fear of their precious lives or the fear of losing one's means of livelihood? To assuage their hunger and master's will? Just imagine. 

Did you just say it's deliberate HYPOCRISY? Just imagine.

Who just whispered that this HYPOCRISY will send the nation to the point of no return? Just imagine. 

Fellow Ghanaians, JUST IMAGINE!!!

The writer of this article is Tetteh Djem Bismark 

A youth and political activist, a writer, blogger and a former national student leader. 

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